
27. War Never Changes
– An alternative version of War, War Never Changes, emphasizing the constancy of war.
- PListen:

33. White gloves
- PListen:

34. Snake
– The journey began through the boundless wilderness, where the earth was cracked by the heat of the sun and the air trembled with heat. The days were merciless – rattlesnakes lurked in the shade of dried bushes, scorpions slided on hot stones, and sultures lazily circled high in the sky, as if waiting for their chance. The night, in turn, brought other threats. In the darkness appeared the blindness of predators, quiet footsteps of those who were not afraid to hunt in the dark. In the distance, the only sign of life loomed – the faint, flickering glow of the bonfire. It could have been hope, but just as well a trap.